The Crack Rat (Trademark) won day four. Day five: Who's our coffee-drinking homosexual man?
The villian on your birth month is ur parent
Little Dazai doodle
NEW MEMBERS!!! Comment, "Hello" once you've joined!
Soukoku smut for y’all
New head-canon?
Whats an underrated ship you love?
Each show has one, who's the fan favorite?
Best waifu of all time
Drinks of the Hedgehogs (Art by @frijolsito)
some gender bent edits i made (not that good, mostly my own hcs..) should i make more? (also ik some changes aren't that obvious at first maybe but i do so thats enough)
What fandom were you in before being dragged here?
What Anime Gag Do You Hate and Why?
Whats that insanely loved Anime you just couldn't get into?
What would you remove from Bsd?
What would you remove from Tv Girl?
What do you think was Via's first word?
Which YOI character do you find relatable the most?
The 3V’s are teleported to real life New York City. What do they do now?
Which Character Fits The Sin Best? Day 5: Lust
Who would win in a fight?
Wororororo!, next, who is chaotic evil
Who’s your favorite character with green hair?
Make the comment section look like Kenji's search history!
Who’s your favorite character with white hair?
Finish the Sentence!