Do you think we will ever have this calibre of quality and weight ever again? What a fantastic trailer.
Okay let’s settle it, which of these DC McFarlane’s has the best female face?
what hot take do you have about Supes that has people looking at you like this?
Right hand possess?
do you prefer the cocky billionaire or emo mysterious Bruce?
✨️Girls' Night✨️
LOL what do you think
How do you feel about dickbabs
What's your favourite Movie Spider-Man suit? I'll go first:
Captain America 4
What does my top 2 say about me
Besides Scarecrow, what Batman characters can you see Cillian Murphy being cast as (and playing the hell out of) in the future should he audition?
How do you feel about Batman adaptations that don't use the popular iconography from the comics?
BTS look at the State Farm Batman villains
Are we really not gonna acknowledge it?
Daredevil: Born Again season 2 set photos reveal a possible first look at [SPOILER]'s new MCU costume
Who do you like more as the Reverse Flash?
I like that the State Farm ad gave their Catwomen silver claws like in the comics, i hope to see it proper in live action in the future
Born again might have just name dropped miles dad
Daredevil by azoinab
One of the best scenes I’ve ever seen
Just need one more to complete the DC trinity…🦇
Best Goblin Glider design, hear me out….I Dig the Amazing Spider Man 2 glider
“Non-Muslims created the 9-5 working week to stop Muslims praying Salah. Avoid working for these companies.” - my local Imam