Some tinted (sand colour) concrete walls the company I work for made - Vendée, France
Flood foundation on Cape Cod
Large addition with joist shelf
Sister's house foundation crack.
Any advive appreciated. My floor is tacky 15 hours after coating
What would help this floor?
Earning 10k per month
What’s the best tool to cut a lot of #4 & #5 rebar at once?
Basement walls parged fail
Cold joint
Drywall hairline cracks
Anyone else have no work like at all?
How am I doing for a 21M?
Bought Home; Feeling Very Sad
Multi level walkout foundation
What is this wood frame attached to this salvaged casement window? Should I measure my rough opening to the actual window or to this wood frame which is 3/8" smaller on all sides?
Do I (26f) have to pay for my boyfriend (24m) for vacation?
Thoughts on Brick Ledge Repair
Structural Integrity ?
Total gut, how to save $
Best way to smooth out these walls
Would it be safe to finish my basement?
ICF home question
Reassuring shoring
End of year and feeling those body aches, what do you do?