Tate concert appropriate for kids?
what to do all day?
Guess my #5
Do you shower every day?
What’s y’all’s earliest memory?
My teacher gave me his # (not in that way) And I kinda like him what do I do
Do you guys think you'll have kids one day?
Is 2yrs age gap too much if I’m 16
They are all staying until they can all leave
tell me your name and Ill assume something about you/rate it!
why is TikTok becoming so hateful?
What’s Sabrina’s best single?
Why can’t I just pee in the sink?
Is trump a good businessman?
How do you want to die?
What is your religion?
Heres a meme i made a few days ago 😂
BTS……….. Wallys Scar Doorframe Daytime
What’s something everyone loves but you secretly hate?
which way are u holding ur phone rn?
Slightly totally unhinged S3 theory
The season 2 ending was….
when they said get tissues ready…
How many credits do you have as a junior?
With all due respect this is how I know yall are full of 💩