Do you shave? (Nsfw just in case)
is this sectoral?
Does anyone here cuddle their pillows or plushies to fall asleep?
Do any of you guys plan to have children or not? And what do you think about child free people?
how bad are us guys with hints?
Would you date someone with Anorexia?
Does hight matter that much
Do y'all enjoy tea parties?
help me find this dress
Project Based Learning High Schools?
Do you guys like alchohol?
What do yall use to hide scars??
Show me your cats
Best Museum in Seattle
If you became a male but you could customize your new body, how would you do it?
What do you find the most annoying/you hate most about guys generally on average?
Be fr how often do you take showers?
Are s/h unattractive to teen boys?
Anime that will make me cry sp hard my eyes dry out
Can this cause npd
What are some "girl secrets" that guys want to know about
What style/clothes do you find most attractive on girls?
What did everyone do for their 16th birthday
Weird growth on my Avocado Seed