Quantos fatias de frios (presunto, mortadela, queijo e etc...) você coloca no pão pra comer?
Demo went not too well
Qual a melhor maneira de consumir sem sentir o gosto do cogumelo?
i beg your biggest pardon (rivers of london - ben aaronovitch, 2011)
Anyone else love the “2000’s promise future” aesthetic like omg >:3
Favorite rock band formed in USSR
I stopped masking around my family for a few days and now realized I need to mask even harder
Extremally accurate map of Brazil
His little blowjob machine
Blowjobs and beer
question: how do you see sex?
Não é porque eu sou lésbica que devo seguir a sua cartilha!
Songs that describe your experience as a schizoid?
Is it morally wrong to abort a fetus just because it has Down syndrome?
Consegui instalar o suporte da tv que eu ganhei. Odeio fazer serviço de “homem”, queria casar logo, enfim, teje instalado.
I inadvertently harm anyone thats close to me.
How’s your survival instinct?
She Does The Thrusting with a Deepthroat Finish
Some original memorabilia from the USSR, Albania, China etc... a relative of mine collected a LOT of these things.
Am I unattractive? I really can’t tell! (27 F)
I'm interested in the honest opinion of the guys am I fuckable?
Sauce for these 3 girls?
Bolsonaro tentou um golpe à moda antiga, por isso falhou, diz especialista
From Pinterest
Did anyone else used to desire friendships due to considering it a sign of failure to not have them?