Aquarius- do you text with anyone 24/7? If so, who is it?
What signs do you vibe most with and the least with?
Experience with fire signs?
Experience with Gemini connections?
Korn new album 2024
Am I An Asshole?
Red or brown ?
What would you consider the "dark side" to our sign?
AITA for avoiding sex with my girlfriend?
Fables From a Mayfly holy shit...
SP Distant and Cold
Holy shit…
How did you first hear about FTM
Thought #2: CoC Salvation has a scheduling problem.
Your experience of sexuality in the CoC?
Fair To Midland - Musical Chairs
Music like Rishloo or Fair to Midland
Manifesting SP Progress
Can I date while manifesting
Thoughts on Sagittarius Man + Aquarius Female Compatibility
My SP suddenly ignores me
Need Help
Seeing people who look like SP