I got made fun of for not having a kettle at my share house....
Just moved to Melbourne, we don't do kettles in the US
Podcast App
I legit see no reason to use the normal diligence over the counter sniper
Double booked Broden's Penrith show
James heading to Maid Marion’s house
Tell me why you think the Autocannon isn't the best and I'll tell you why you're wrong
How many shots of poop are pending for the boys to consume?
Children of Men - 4K Dolby Vision Upgrade
My EDC (pastor and girl dad)
PC only boots with one stick of RAM in either DIMM slot, 3 other ram sticks do nothing
New tobacco brown Arizonas with (left) and without (right) conditioning. Which do you prefer?
What sleeping bag should I get?
Best songs over 10 minutes.
my dad turned off the wifi so i build this
Reebok BB 4000 II Vintage
What is your favourite band?
Cheap shoes for a paint mixer
Who is this in Cairns?
Who is this in Sacramento?
It's ship-rating time divers, give me the names of your ships and I'll rate them based on how democratic they are
Little speaker question
Here’s one: What’s your favorite guitar solo of all time?
Kick test
Can't install a cracked app because my PC detects that I've already installed it before????
How do I see my video when I'm adding audio?