The largest protest against corruption in the history of Serbia happened today. It is estimated that 800 000 people attended the rally.
Who we picking?
She’s tryin to wash that one tire.
Trees WTF Dept.
DAE sit in their car in their own garage at home, procrastinating going inside?
Age yourself with a movie you saw at the cinema as a kid!
Low-budget cat condos, but they love it
harlequin forest appreciation post
Me too girls, me too.
🔥 Incredibly rare video of an albino killer whale in action. One of only 8 ever filmed.
DAE miss the feeling of pulling out your teeth?
I'm obsessed
Thoughts on Technical Ecstasy?
Super interesting what they saw.
A man rescued an otter after it was orphaned when its mother had an accident. He accompanied it throughout its entire rehabilitation process and later released it into a lake, where it approaches him to greet him every time he visits
What is everyone’s LEAST favorite song off of Still Life?
*Not a video* But do you agree?
Made noodles at work yesterday
idiot drives on walk trail
Who did millenials look upto prior to the advent of influencers?
Not sure what he's up to but "Hell no!"
The only metal band I really like is Black Sabbath, I can’t stand the scream metal. What bands should I check out?
Absolutely fucking hate how some media try to pass this as "Ozzy's event" instead of Black Sabbath's
Coukd this possibly mean......?
Selkie the mink 🥰