Drop a song! I’ll listen to it and rate it out of 10
My mom keeps snapping at me
I turn 18 on june 5, everyone comment "RemindMe! 82 days" to get a reminder (if u care)
Is there something wrong with me?
Is your room messy or clean right now?
Does anyone know where I can go plug my twitch?
I got into my dream school
What's Your Favorite Pen?
What might end up happening?
Is it racist for a white teacher to say the n word while reading a history book or something related to that?
Check in
Can we talk about how beautiful Ten is?
Day 4! Best K-pop song for vocals?
I am so dead this is my final message by the time ur reading it I am probably dead
Whenever i wet my hair it feels like im balding
yo im working on a project about schools what are 5 things that stress yall out in school
Blooket back it with worse names lmao
Toilet Etiquette
Just got my scores
What was your worst teacher like
What times do you start and finish school?
Do I look 13 (yes I am 13)
Starting Tennis in the spring