Not gonna lie these bagels are pretty good
Solid week drove maybe 900 miles - $100 cash in tips too
Dallas Uber is officially dead
Yet another reason not to rent a vehicle
Domino's Giveaway
Is this a bad call?
Signal issues with 42” Lg C4 and Xbox series X
Loss porn
Pink spot under my dogs lip is
Pink spot on dogs lip
Is Bryant a liability in man?
What are the chances of this happening in an uncommon fantasy pack?😂🙏
Since he knew that his brother Jamie loved his sister Cersie, seeing that they were together at the end of days, was at least worth one supportive tear.
supposedly dropped 210ug 17 minutes ago , let’s see what life has to offer me , if y’all wanna type some questions, i’m in the mood for it
Can I trip on LSD like with shrooms?
Do these divisions even mean anything? Not sure why they keep moving me up I’m not good and don’t play a ton lol
This has me scratching my head 🤔
What came first, the instinct to survive, or survival?
Anyone else regret sticking with CUT & not making the switch to MUT
Worst trade deal in the history of trade deals
Buying Coins from websites
Who is underplaying their rating for you?
First time user today
Is it worth it to pursue poker?