What do you typically wear to bed for sleeping?
I got a hamster today, any Queen names?
What is your biggest impediment for enjoying sex?
Hammer To fall wins H What should “I” Be?
What’s a spot on the male body you love?
I like traffic lights
If your sex life was a horror movie, what would the title be?
Favourite music video
What’s the first kink you ever explored?
Your most borrowed (stolen) MP line.
What are your favorite gay-oriented podcasts?
How did you all discover Tame impala?
Favourite B-side?
Kissing: yay or nay?
I don't know where I fit.
What gives you the most satisfaction sexually?
I'd like to have an argument, please!
Who was your first celebrity crush growing up?
What was the funniest thing you've had happen while hooking up?
Can we all agree toilet dick pics need to die?
Which musical act who’s no longer performing do you most wish you could see in concert?
Besides the dick or ass, what’s your favorite part of a guy’s body?
what's everyone's favorite kink?
What was the best concert you’ve ever attended?
Prog Rock for a Beginner