aetrna | xi - Ascension to Heaven [Death] +HDHRDT (Shiirn, 9.85*) | 96.4% FC #3 | 81.43 cv.UR | 1357pp | new osu!std pp record!
If you had to show someone what osu was and they had no idea about the game, what play would you show them?
What is something you want but doesn’t exist yet?
How broke are you?
What simple task do you struggle with?
Turns out your date is a redditor and mentions his/her subscribed subreddits. Which subreddit is a red flag?
Just bought him a new toy, think he likes it!
Why does Siri always refer to google?
If you could go back in time and redo something, what would you redo and why?
What sucks about being a dude?
[Serious] How should I come out to my strict Christian parents?