She said I've gone nuts! Threw herself on the floor and screamed NUUUUUTS! and she wonders why Cam acts the way they do.
They have a dog but can’t take care of themselves!
Who killed JonBenet?
Wards Chipotle Closed Today
How will a second Trump administration affect Charlottesville?
Do the Union guys who voted for Trump not realize how screwed they and their families are or do they really not care???
Universalism - Will all people be saved eventually? Thoughts?
I hate this country but at least my hair is nice
Question on school districts
The Wayne
episode Chester's Indian
Do you let your pet sleep with you on your bed every night?
She’s such a lady!!!!
Remember This Woman?
Bad Ass Women
Never thought I would say it but…
Clearly you give a F…
Can't unsee this shit...major ICK
Unhappy and salty?
Please dont....
Dear Jo
Hey y’all!
He, I mean she is live!