Anyone hyped for Suships? no? Just me?
Dismantling Cards
Is this card good against tenpai?
GPU fans suddenly ramped up to max speed and monitor blacked out while PC audio was still playing, need help troubleshooting.
Voiceless players!
Goblin Biker Gone Wild
Is this card played in GB (or somewhere else)?
Was the Metal Raiders' Dominance (Latest Selection Pack) enticing enough for you to pull from it?
SR and UR of Metal Raiders' Dominance
Branded players after the next update be like:
They just announced new Sky Striker support (with translations)
I don't even know what to say
If you had a say in future ban lists.
Just some replays of me testing a weird Swordsoul deck idea I had in the Duelist Cup, it was surprisingly fun
F-king hell, Master Duel really "unlocked the block"
Hopefully they don't make this an UR, just because it wasn't mentioned in the description doesn't mean we're safe lol
OCG's latest Banlist effective on 1st of April 2025
Honestly, I'm happy with DLV15 using a for fun deck
Can someone help me with this Horus-Kaiju deck, before I waste so many resource please?
Why do I feel like these types of cards are connected, yet they have no synergy with each other?
I just want Raye
Thoughts on this absolutely underrated heater?
DeckAdvice?(Other than "Don't play gusto")
Any deck ideas that you've been messing around lately?
Cool spell/trap-Decks?