bought bulk of celebration hat just to find out nuls can't wear it😔 why not all the hats wearable by nuls?
just a question
Turn It Up!!!
thoughts on zens mythic?
I can’t look at eggs the same because of this game.
in case no one's told you either
Just Wanted to Share My Dude
Pink Baptiste skin?
the only complaint i have
Every. Time.
i hope this helps :3
Do you ever just feel like, "Man. . . Why do I play FFXIV? It just reminds me of how lonely I am".
Being pretty was a requirement to get casted in spn
Nier Raid
First watch through - why is everyone so sexy?
Landman - November 17th
lag probs?
Rip and Kayce Fight
Why did Chris and Adrianna never tie the knot?
Is it just me or does the ending suck???
Did anyone else catch that…
WTF is actually going on?
Acquired some Zen merch for maximum transcendence
first match
Favorite Property in BB Universe?