What the hell is this? The council has no consensus yet.
The council is ready for a game night
This is Maya & she doesn't give a shit
Dungeon master
Roast him. He can't even sit straight
How do I write sensuous yet gruesome scene about an act of uh…autonecrophilia?
Me asking for additional info
Those who didn’t want kids but then changed their minds, what was the switch
Y’all are a bunch of weaklings. SMH. None can truly comprehend his squidy glory.
Does anyone else this sub sucks???? (My completely original and productive thoughts below)
My spawn is the greatest artists who ever lived.
Not a glimpse of thought in these eyes
Decided to make my power grid pretty
AITA for calling my niece “my baby”?
What does my taste in men say about my relationship with my father?
What's Your Favourite Hydrogen Vent Cooling Build?
Why is present tense hard for some readers?
This replay romance scene is too much power
website that finds the word you’re blanking on
Do you think this approximates licking Gortash?
I need him spread like that in front of me every day from now on
Kitchen + Infinite Food Storage (Spaced Out & Frosty Planet DLC)
Why can't I ask him to hit me more than three times? Please I need it
Do you think his dick is undead too? Because I want to ride the granddad