What factors do you consider when buying an existing army?
Reclusians Rescue
Bronze Stormcast?
The perception of knights
Vanguard Palladors Proxies
Help! Repaint or keep
How To Deploy (strategic)
Tabletop Simulator - AOS
Lord Relictor
Finest hour on units deployed in "celestial realm"
My Take on Yndrasta
Bastian and the boys
Buying overseas somehow cheaper?
Just joined a local tourney and I'm a little annoyed( AITA
Too many Reclusians?
Duplicate Units from Skaventide?
Yet ANOTHER rule change for Pivot incoming??
Which Units Feel Essential?
I´ve Questions about vanguard palladors in the 4. Edition
Why doesn’t Bastian Carthalos have Warmaster?
Skaventide: One box, or two?
Post Skaventide Purchases
What subfaction ate we thinking?
To get the +10 VP for having a tabletop ready army does the painting/basing have to be done in good faith?
My Yndrasta WIP…