AITA for ignoring my wife for throwing away my late wife video tapes?
AIO? Is this girl super awkward or super fishy?
What’s the fake job title you use when talking to strangers?
I feel violated and confused by what my fiancé did to me. WIBTAH if I told my parents?
AIO for getting annoyed when my mom asks for money or gifts?
Would a therapy room under a train arch be a deal breaker?
When is the national strike? Time to end this coup!! Some are striking Monday February 3.
Allowing Client to text you?
Chat GPT responding to a real, client-esque problem
Am I overreacting?
Is suicide considered the ultimate act of avoidance?
Accused of Adderall Abuse by Provider - what do I do? Because I don’t think I am. I’m doing exactly what they said.
Partner got r*ped, I don't know what to do
AIO for lashing out on my ex-wife for not buying our son the game he asked for christmas?
Am I overreacting or should I report this children’s coach?
Men’s Puma Shoes - Possibly Discontinued??
Why is it so hard to just live?
AITA for refusing to babysit after my sister demanded I stop bringing my boyfriend to family events?
AIO for splitting the bill on a date
AIO, gf joked that I’m (black male) a monkey
AIO, my boyfriend threatened sewerslide
AIO: boyfriend went to his ex gf’s house to use the bathroom and charge his phone
What made you lose a significant amount of weight?
What does my fridge say about me?
AIO or really, is my boyfriend overreacting. He is mad at me for not having a threesome yet