What are those green markings in their mouths?
Ye's gone out sad
letting my hair grow did me good
Never thought I’d get to see what high school “Ramen Noodles” looks like
i dont know how to talk to people
A girl likes me but I'm gay
13 weeks left of school and im persistent on having all As- am i cooked?
People should be nicer toward struggling students
Guess my GPA and SAT based off my room
What’s this hair type growing around my crown ??
how many of you guys have or plan to fake your community service hours?
How do I stop being this fucking stupid
Please wear deodorant guys im begging you
What should I get
Yup, Im a lucky mfer
OH MY [Fluff] ing GOD…
somebody better tell me when i can see my seed for superfest 14.1!
2 plat ticket will get what
Where should I 11 roll to get to the legend rare?
How do I keep my hair looking like this?
[discussion] Coolest Uber you own, here's mine.
no way..[fluff]
[Fluff] I have 200000 UR. Ask me anything