Ich habe eine seltene Erkrankung namens CIPA (congenital insensitivity to pain and anhidrosis) und habe daher kein Schmerzempfinden
last game you played will be her name
Was könnte das sein ?
Ständiger Scheidenpilz und Angst
Mehrere Pilze in Anzuchttöpfen
Pilz im Badezimmer
took shrooms and had a miscarriage
For no reason
What are they on?
Even water hurts my stomach.
Hilfe meine Haare sind buschig und ich bekomme weder richtige locken noch glatte Haare
picked up this lamp for $20 on facebook marketplace
What is your reflux friendly fun beverage?
Pregnancy and Shrooms?
1YR vs 2MO
Hampstead, a song title on the deluxe version
Every drop of urine?
What should I do with all these egg cartons!
Die sind überfällig, oder?
Is there such a thing as eating normal food with GERD?
the last thing you smelled will be her name
I have never seen this until now! What is wrong with her???
Nagelpilz am Finger bestimmt mein Leben