[MW2] Is worth to buy Xbox 360 exclusively for this?
Should I buy skyrim vr on steam?
Trump Administration ignores court order
‘Dragon Ball Z’ Remake Is Possible, Says Series Character Designer
I’m pretty sure they already removed it after not even an hour. All I did was criticize the president of the United States.
Got shadowbanned for posting an anti trump post, plus they remove anything that is remotely anti trump. Mods there are a joke
Why did so many Gen Z dudes whine about inflation but voted for the guy who promised to raise the prices of everything we buy and is now raising the prices of everything we buy? 🤔
[COD] Name your favorite Call of Duty game
A step in the right direction
Ok I can officially make fun of the Shithawks now
a sigh of relief fellow hawks fans
[Rapoport] The #Seahawks have their new QB: It’s Sam Darnold.
[NFL News] Russini: Seahawks expected to talk with Aaron Rodgers about QB vacancy.
Just to add to the misery
Felt like this was a good time for me to post this again
Rams Season Baby
I just got the news
Why are mods always removing political posts when they keep low effort tripe up?
How it feels
The seahawk has saw its shadow . Another 20 years of mediocrity .
Political Megathread: Trump Threatens to Pull Funding From Universities Over Protests
Are you guys aware we in the US are now a pro-russian axis of evil society
[MW2] 2009 graphics still hold up 16 years later
Kotor 2 Restored Content Mod