I'm doomed.
TomJake this, JamesAiden that, where’s HER spinoff series?
Idk how to explain this but
"Both hobbies are great"
Remembered the time that i was watching the second IT movie with my mom and this scene happened, she said "they were very good friends you see?"
*Personagem negro existe* gamer médio: "Cultura Woke, lacração"
Some comments that i found on the "We fell in love in october" music video.
Ele joga lixo no chão para não faltar empregos para os guris:
inteligência 🧠
Né, Cascão?
Which of your favorite characters would this man be pointing at?
Your favorite 'annoying' characters
What character is this?
What character (other than ralsei) is this?
Tell me your favorite Sonic game(s) but replace one of the words in the title with "balls". I'll start
What are the top 30 reasons why sonic is sorry?
Sing the first sentence of a sonic song and let the comments finish it.
Ideias de nomes pra essas fofinhas?
Which song is it for you?
Out of all of these contestants, who would you trust the most if they were superheroes?
What traumatised you as a kid with unrestricted internet access?
Tim for the coolest old woman ever Miriam. What's Miriam's best quote?
Do you think Harry is justified in most of the way he reacts to and feels about Snape in his school years?
really, in the classroom?
Does anyone just look at some of these character designs and are like, "Wow... you should really wash your hair."