How to pleasure myself? 😕😬
Vanguard Mains: What is your best piece of advice to other Vanguards or new Vanguard players?
I'm curious, what kind of skins do y'all want to see in this game?
Can we get IBS slur please?
How do I counter your champ?
What would you do if a male friend does this to you?
Have any of your ever developed any attraction towards women? When and what what made you attracted to them?
Trying to feel hope
Day 7 : ...Onion? , day 8 : " i ate all the oreos ,I'll do it again"
I think irelia should get % armour pen with her ult
Is it wrong to be attracted to masc guys?
How to get wife interested in watching me suck dick
"Hid" Grinder on my iPhone, but how TF do I remove it from being "Hidden"
Grindr's starting to make me think we all like to be hornier than we really are
Story time: Lost contact with a nerdy gymrat – what would you do?
Do you allow your romantic partner to go through your personal belongings (your computer, phone, mail addressed solely to you, etc.) -- and what is your type?
Have any of you guyscum get clumpy for some time?
Could rageblade 2nd be a viable option?
What keeps you from going to the gym?
When you see somebody you might wanna kiss and you watch their mouth as they talk, do you look at their tongue?
How can I stop craving a relationship and learn to enjoy being single?
what's your enneagram and which option from the following is the worst in you mind?
What are your buff predictions for Lillia?
WHY does self love matter to you? Why did YOU start this journey?
Irelia 1v3