What is your biggest hope for KH4?
Name your favorite villain
What are some examples of where the tv show or movie sucked, but the toy line rocked?
What's your movie?
In Terms of Character Designs, Art Direction, Interior, and Animatronics, which Chuck E. Cheese Era had the BEST aesthetic? Or Which Era's Is Your Favorite in terms of Aesthetics?
Picked Up DranSword 3-60F, My First Beyblade X Bey! Thanks for the suggestions given to me on getting into Beyblade X competitively! Should get the X stadium soon, but man, does he look cool! Happy to own him and plan on using him for future matches!
Getting Opinions From YouTubers Is Not Always A Bad Thing.
A Big 2000s Revival In the 2020s: The Year of Shadow the Hedgehog with the release of Sonic 3 and the Shrek 5 Outrage Killed the Cringe Culture of the 2010s?
Non-political brain rot through the decades. At least this millennium has had plenty of cats.
Reminder That Hollywood Bootlicker Chris Stuckmann Stated That The First Live Action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film was on Par with the 2014 Film and that the 2014 Film will have Nostalgia in 10-20 Years. Well that sure aged well.
Met Asuka's VA today
Complaints about Shrek's new design; meanwhile, Sora...
Reminder: In Chris Stuckman's old TMNT 2014 review, he said that the first live-action film is on-par with it in that it was not only "not good" according to him, but kids will have nostalgia for TMNT 2014. Well, that sure aged well.
What Is your Favorite, Or Some of your Favorite Stock Shonen Rivals/Edgy Rival to the Main Hero? Here's Mine.
Are there any good Beyblade X beys to start out with as a new player?
The Virgin 2010's Blockbuster movies vs. The Chad 2020's Blockbuster CINEMA
What is your favorite futurism movement/favorite era of futurism?
Mid 20th Century (1940-1969) Art & Pop Culture Appreciation Thread.
In your guys opinion, how are 2000s era Sonic Games (Sonic Adventure 1-Black Knight) are more easier and accessible to new players than the Classic 2D Genesis Trilogy?
Here is a Letterboxd list of my Top 50 Favorite Horror Films.
Felt like sharing that I got the Twilight NECA 7-inch Edward and Bella 2-Pack in the mail today! Decided to collect the line of figures NECA did for Twilight-Eclipse back in 2009-2010, so I picked these guys up.
The Twilight NECA 7-inch Edward and Bella 2-Pack came in the mail today! I got into the Twilight movies recently and developed a guilty pleasure for them. Thus, I decided to collect the figures NECA did for the first three movies from 2009-2010.
What are this subs' thoughts on the Friday the 13th 2009 Remake? Would you say its Objectively Good or Bad?
Why Are Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Era Toys from 1999-2005 So Cheap When Prequel Era is the Most Beloved Era Second to OT?