Joov needs this shirt
I just unboxed a Souvenir AK-47 | Gold Arabesque. Any ideas on price/rarity?
Need friends. Trainer code: 330120138466
new friends & trainer codes :D
Wife & I need friends
🎶I play Pokemon Go ev-er-ree day 🎶 (and looking for friends who do too)
Wrong Xbox version, help
What will the top 10 look like reallisticly?
What are some of the most cringeworthy MC Villain quotes you know?
Favourite MVP discs?
Replacing a word in a movie title with “fucker”, what’s would the title be?
Alright everyone, where am I going wrong? I can't get matches or likes for the life of me, so I could use some advice
I want to get feedback on my q-dance top 10 voting
Germany players cover mouths in team photo as they abandoned pro-LGBTQ armband. FIFA threatened yellow cards for any player still wearing it
Can someone identify this bigboy? Found in southern Norway.
Please, come to Brazil! We are cool
What do I look like I do in my free time?
Men how would you respond if you were drafted for WW3?
[Giveaway] Year ago I made those magic witcher signs and Wild Hunt claw, now Im giveawaying them for 4 lucky people, that I will pick from random comments in 24 hours, good luck!
Which TV show started out promising, but turned out to be garbage?
Well well
Kvothe. What a wanker, right?!
Actor who always plays the same character starter pack
What’s his rap name?