Nostalgic feeling movies about growing up/big changes
i feel like we don’t discuss the hatfulness of carrie bradshaw ☺️
Talk about unreleastic
magda was so annoying
Charlotte wedding dress shopping
A good comedy based on my preferences?
Wholesome romance movies that will make me wish I wasn’t single
Sometimes all you need is meat and bun
Samantha at Charlotte’s wedding
I just started season 2 so no spoilers please-
Name brand cereals have no place now
Lack of lashes
Wildcard Kitchen
best tamarind cocktails
over hated character ??
Chicken Parmesan Sandwich
Season 7!!
Fellowship/Job offers
Of all the crazy predictions, don’t think anyone saw this coming…
This is RANDOM. But does anyone watch on Peacock and notice it looks different recently?
I hate Zach and Lane
i hate hate hate hate big
is AYITL worth watching
Which sitcom, from any era, had a "serious"episode that particularly stood out to you?