Some Minecraft armor resprites for a possible texture pack!
Minecraft Armor Resprites
Resprite of some of the minecraft tools (and their ores) for pixel art practice
some resprites of some tools and ores from a game with blocks where you mine and craft and stuff idk if you guys heard of it
Sticks and stones (resprites of some mc tools)
Resprite of some minecraft wooden tools (with the EDG 32 color pallet from aseprite)!
Free McDonalds Code Giveaway
What Pokemon do you think is underrated? I'll go first.
PSA for anyone who hasn’t tried out this card: It’s not random
When you haven't mention you're F2P for 6 whole seconds.
How do we feel about the Pre-Chapter 3 Era of this fandom ending next year?
CHIRSTMAS IS IN WHEN?? (Merry christmas!)
The noelle drawing is going smoothly
Remember when people claimed this card was gonna be insane? I don’t even see it used.
Didn't realize we could post the ghost ladies here
The choice is yours
Drew the ghost with the comically large wrench
Free will is disabled 💀
Where can i join the Anton blast discord
Sketched the gremlin ( i've yet to play this game)
Expect STONKS gentlemen
drew Baphomet
Black screen issue when trying to start One Piece Pirate Warriors 4
Black screen issue when trying to start OPPW4 (intel graphics card)
"The Figurine Thing."