How effective do u guys think Clara is at 3 starting endgame modes currently?
Still find it hilarious that Yanqing is still one of the best answers against Aventurine
Got sent this by a college in my state while playing hsr 😭
I'm shocked how good Chevreuse is for Lyney
5.3 Abyss usage rate (January 16, 2025 - February 15, 2025)
who is/are the best 4* electro support/s for DPS lyney
What do you think of Avenpaz or what other ships do you ship? (_credits_Emma HokuAhi)
I’m Pretty Confident that I have One of the Worst Jin Yuan-Sunday Scores the in this Sub for AS that still 3 Star
what teams did you guys use?
Man the people on the main sub man
The age of my f2p journey have come to an end it'll be my first time ever buying the BP icons it'll be worth it 😭 💗 🪽
how much better really is MH compared to other sets?
C1R1 Lyney and C6 Lynette Defeats Spiral Abyss' Hydro Tulpa (3 stars, 2 min clear)
Why Lynette is not on Lyney's Rerun Banner
Characters and Teams with Highest Scores and Most Usage in PF Stage 4 (Sample Size: 9067 Players with 3*)
Son’s math test
What artifact set is best for him
Who is your most invested character?
Should I pull for E0S1 Topaz instead of using my E6 Moze?
Build tips (please!)
Kinich team no bennett
Does her basic need to be maxed?
Fribbels ranks the CR build higher, Seeleland ranks the CD build higher. Help me decide which build is better!
My flower is REALLY BAD!! Should I use 1 elixir to get a double crit flower, use 4 elixirs to make an onset goblet, or just farm normally???