dubious s. abuse and motive
House lived in by the Menendez family in 1986, in Princeton, NJ.
Find me a juicy show. I’ve watched them all.
Would Erik's abuse be caught by teachers/counselors today?
Fan Club supporters…
Was ruby playing sam in season 3?
If you could recommend only one episode of Supernatural to someone which one would it be?
What song has you stuck hitting repeat rn?
Must see older movie recommendations?
Do you think Castiel in his prime could take on an entire military army by himself?
Whats your favorite season of Supernatural?
Decided to start from the beginning. This might take awhile 😬
Is anyone else amazed by how not-homophobic Erik was as a teenager?
Let’s process together: what things from the case disturb you most?
cooper shares some of the things he and erik talked about
Did Lyle's abuse go on longer?
I’m finally finishing the series after all this time and it’s messing me up…
Rank these alphas from strongest to weakest.
I feel like my body has betrayed me.
I told my bf I was struggling
Updating 1940s bathroom - looking for help with a wall/ceiling color
How did Jamie know?
S4 episodes 8 & 9