How often do people comment on your physique outside the gym?
Do you prefer to train on an asynchronous schedule or set schedule ?
What do yall do for work?
What time do you typically work out at?
Most important muscles to emphasize to look good/muscular in clothes?
Push/Pull is a much better 4 day workout structure than Upper/Lower
June suggestions? (Caribbean)
How do you balance training with work/life?
Which beard length suits me best?
Upper/Lower vs Single Muscle
Smith machine OHP is so underrated
Which beard length best suits me?
Upper/Lower 4 days/wk with A B C sessions means exercises are done once every 10-11 days. Too low?
2 key factors that are superior with bro splits
How many of you have noticed better progress with slightly lower frequencies? (2x every 9-11 days)?
Daily Discussion Thread - February 09, 2025 (up for two days)
Daily Discussion Thread - February 07, 2025 (up for two days)
Training Questions For Geoffrey Verity Schofield?
Daily Discussion Thread - February 05, 2025 (up for two days)
Upper back to lats ratio for back.
How do you like to set up your leg days?
Best way to make upper lower 5 days instead of 4?
How important is frequency when weekly volumes equated?
When the doc gives a % chance of getting pregnant, what does it specifically entail? This month? The rest of your life? Etc.
The overlooked issue with higher frequency splits