Greenworks: called customer support and this is their policy, not buying from them again!
What was your first dream job?
Who is a tragic figure in your story and why?
What’s the most ridiculous thing you actually believed as a child?
Starting an alcohol free month
What’s a small, totally random life hack you swear by?
How many bottles of enchanting to get lvl 30? Is it like in vanilla minecraft?
What's one life skill you wish schools would teach?
Reddit, do you clean the lint trap when taking laundry out or putting the next load in?
Who do you think would make a really great president?
If I could wish for an unlimited amount of one thing, I would wish for ______.
What to do when your PS4 turns on and off within seconds?
What one song really resonates with you?
What is something you wish was invented to make your life easier?
How do you get physically attracted to your partner after staying together for a long time?
What helps your headaches?
If you had to give up all but one social media platform, which one would you keep and why?
‘Righteous Revolt’: Are Democrats Finally Tired of Surrendering?
What's going on with the baseball team BearFucker?
Young Americans are angry at Trump — and the Democratic Party
What’s your dream location to visit?
what makes you impatient?
What fictional character has the coolest powers?
‘How gratifying’: Cheers in China as Trump dismantles Voice of America
In honor of hitting 50 members, I present this picture of me in my element. Party time!