How would you describe ATLA/LOK characters in one word? Day 15
Who would you cast William H Macy as in the MCU?
What am I? "I am real ..."
Who was the first evil superman clone?
You have only $10, pick your pro bending team.
Who this scene was supposed to make look suspicious? Mickey or Derek?
What am I? "I rise without ..."
I feel violated and confused by what my fiancé did to me. WIBTAH if I told my parents?
Who do you prefer to be the leader of the justice league out of these 3?
Best non Bruce Wayne Batman?
The curious case of aunt May
Is this safe for fish?
I'm getting scared.
Lowest level you need to take over the real life world
[ART] Chasme, Demon fly of the Abyss (Reimagined)
DMs, What is the worst mistake you've made as a DM?
How do I write a good hero?
How strong is Hulk in Marvel comics?
Remember when Dark Horse Comics tried to make its own superhero universe?
Which heroes outside of DC do you wanna see try and handle Gotham and it’s rogues? (Doesn’t have to be one of these)
Pretend this just got announced
What is going to be Magneto's Origin in the next 10 years?
Caught a cheater in HourGlass!
Is this a stupid question?
what song is playing