A Short History of US Presidents - 2025 Edition
Looking for Help Creating Official Blueprints for My Tiny House
This map of Antarctica without ice would make an amazing dnd map
Does anyone want a copy of a PTCB study guide I have?
I made a tranquil L space while cleaning up my room. Just finished painting
National lampoon European Vacation was unexpectedly rapey and pedophilic
The cake recipe makes a real mug cake!!! (Or bake in a small remekin)
Is it too late for a fan art?
Re-introducing r/theborrowersbook – A Cozy Nook for Fans of The Borrowers! 🏡📖
Welcome to r/theborrowersbook!
I like the book a lot, anyone else?
Anyone here?
Well, I unalived Karen.
How many sfg beds would I need to feed myself all year?
Well. I guess goodbye to my favorite white noise channel. You will be missed
I am attempting my first leather bound book cover so I thinned it out a bit but cut too deep and now there is a hole
I am attempting my first leather bound book cover and when I went to thin it out so it would fold, I cut too deep and now there is a hole
Wtf is the Barbie fishing pole made of?!?!?!
I have a question about the effects of green tea on the stomach
What is the catch with these ultra low prices of tiny homes on Aliexpress and Temu?
Regarding Ostara: adding rabbit to the feast menu.....
My first loaves!
Thanks, I hate getting corn instead of m&ms!
THOW structural integrity and long term use