Blurb Workshop (Weekly)
Difficulties Writing in Third
What's something you tell yourself to get yourself to write?
Keeping strong progression with multiple story elements.
"Pretending" to be PL, do I pass?
How many POVs is too many POVs?
Weekly Meta Discussion Post
Curious as to your approach
Novel Writers: What Stops You From Writing Short Stories?
I'm writing a book and I'm too much concerned about chapter length. How to overcome it
Was this Child a non-Person, then a Person, then a non-Person Again?
Switching POVs
'Show don't tell' for written narratives?
Smutty time.
Favorite out-of-context line in your works?
Are any other asexuals kinda…uncomfortable with how asexuality is being used against shipping
Killing off characters
How to make a character realize "I'm in love"?
What got you to finally start writing?
What are y’all’s thoughts on unhinged love interests?
What thing regarding your book's Main Character makes you proud as a writer?
Dark romance sub-genre or not?
Character Feedback
A few scenes I wrote in my manuscript teared me up. That ever happen to you?