The hardest achievement in gaming I've ever completed. Now I become a casual. All cherries are accidental.
Recurring stock sounds throughout UFO 50.
I beat every UFO50 game (Gold). Here's what I thought about the difficulty.
Dear Divers lovers
Are sellers on eBay open to buy back agreements where you buy a game from them and they buy it back from you after you have finished playing it?
My new custom manuals for Sakura Wars and Radiant Silvergun, Open to more requests!
Turn-Based Games with No Random Encounters & Grinding
A very good mail day!
Animal Well Collectors Edition Looks Awful
Voting is open for the Playdate Community Awards 2024!
Struggling with the difficulty of these games
What does it mean?
I did it!
The QOL changes in this update are great!
FF writer and creative director wants Clive to continue as tekken regular character in the future games as well
Japan Haul
The Messenger is getting a re-release from Meridiem Games
what is the most rage inducing game in your opinion?
Tier list and reviews of all 50 games after getting every cherry
Some of us are about to be poor lol
Open source playdate light
Combatants is not purposely bad as some meta commentary.
Need help appraising please