What Out of Print series are you currently collecting?
The Growing Slice of Life/Sol-Adjacent shelf. And growing. Can't wait to add Mushishi to this! Any suggestions?
[US] [Selling] Everything has gotta go $5 regular vols $10 for big ones Plenty of Titles of Sale
What was your goal when starting your collection and what did you want to have above all else
My January Haul
How often do you get manga and how big are your hauls?
How many manga do you buy of a new series?
Just got this one in, highly recommended!
What's the most you'll spend on 1 book? What rules do you set for yourself when buying second hand?
[US][BUYING] Bride’s Story, Shirley, Anything and Something, Wandering Island
Based on my collection what are some recommendations (please no junji ito)
No volumes but still buying
I got all of these from my friend, are there any hidden gems?
What’s a Mangaka thats work you are constantly collecting?
Current collection around 750 volumes
Added some lights under my Bestå shelves
Is there any manga you regret getting?
[US][BUYING] Emma vol 2 yen press ver.
Great Manga that was cancelled?
[US][BUYING] Emma vol 2 Yen Press
[US][SELLING] Manga and Figures (Bleach, Chainsaw Man, HxH, Made in Abyss, Maison Ikkoku, Vagabond and more)
what’s your favorite cover in your collection?
What about your collection brings you the most joy?
Do you read any thing other than manga?