How to pack a Fjällräven 16L kånken for a 5 day London trip?
OneBag for 1 week snowboard trip in France
[Entry Thread #103] It’s that time where we spring forward! We once again ask for your participation by commenting and entering, then donating to the winner!
Is this enameled cast iron toast?
Whoever did this is an absolute icon 🙌🏼
Another school wants me to do lessons before a CBT??
What's the oldest piece of tech you still own that still works just as well as new, and isn't obsolete?
Whose fault is this (sorry for the annoying music and narration)
The idea of drinking this at my desk with a ham sandwich just feels illegal
Ethan and Hasan discuss employment under socialism. It perfectly shows Hasan's hypocrisy. He is not even able to articulate such basic things and how it would work under socialism he's been advocating for years.
Got a Sherco 500 smf. It's 100% fun between every oil change.
How do I safely destroy a PSU
[Steam] [Humble Bundle] 170+ Humble bundle giveaway
R36S Portmaster not starting
How to get back into a language I learned 4 years ago?
Curious what Ethan and crew think of this gag
"Shock shock horror horror"
Guess the country
ELI5: Why is the subsonic speed record greater than the speed of sound?
[Advice] 3 Month West Coast South America Trip
Nice 24h Trump Coin Rug-Pull 🤣
[Request] Is this true?
TIL in the US there is a 1 in 93 chance you will die in a motor vehicle crash in your lifetime
ALSO worth MENTionING…🤔🫣