Just finished this new theme - I’m into it!
The Kyn Need Artillery! How can we be a self respecting dwarf without Artillery teams battering any foe into our firing lines! But come on GW, give us some heavy weapons teams, give us our own bassilisk, I dont think any Xenos have a equivelant yet!
Lazy custom Combi-Lieutenant
LC ch lace locks seller wants 900 on Grailed
List advice? Haven’t played my first game yet
Is is too much for a 1000 pts list?
Icons: 10354 Lord of the Rings: The Shire will be $270 (Source: MaxBaut, graphic by Brick Clicker)
My Arasaka themed 5080 build
My take on Helbrecht, hope you like :)
How to make Hearthband a good pick ?
I got a bunch a bapes off stock x but the stock x tags fell off and I’ve been told these look fake are these legit
Which paint scheme?
Fake or real?
This is definitely my best paint job so far
List advice
Did Bape.eu just sent me fake Bapesta’s ???!!
New M135i
Legit check CH ring
Sagitaur replacement canopy
Why is Shein selling Balenciaga?
Please help. Legit or nah?
My 5090 astral caught on fire
My friend built this pc for me, what do you guys think?
Dark Angels test model complete
New M5