I’m having a great time, but seriously the pussy thing, don’t say anything
Is this generally the ideal feminine figure?
Dad, are you a faggot ass cornholin’ cocksucka?
You’re gonna be a leprechaun, the boss of the family told yous
Mikey Palmice’s body double, whatever happened there…
You know John, New Jersey’s a small state. Ginny moves in, she might tip it ova.
He died of Lou Gehrig’s disease, Lou Gehrig?
Hottest piece of ass on the show? I’ll start:
A don never upvotes a shitpost
What did I say?! No ethnic shitposts!
Bobby was shot to death. His body landed on a train set in the hobby store. Pretty fucking embarrassing. Take the kids and hide for your own good.
What’s something you appreciated about RZ’s Halloween?
I just watched Happiness for the first time.
Amber Heard is prob the most objectively perfect looking actress in Hollywood history.
Can someone please recommend movies with this aesthetic ??
So homie, we’re going to open up in three days?
I’m gonna go shitpost Trump and Elon in a Tesla, shitpost Trump and Elon in a Tesla
I’m gonna go watch The Sopranos, watch The Sopranos
So partnah, we get dog next door for lunch huh
Satanic black magic, wicked shit
Make-up free Miss England round normalises 'real' beauty
Depressed people of Reddit, what gives you the will to live, or helped you regain the will to live, if anything?
When you randomly create the hottest meme on r/CirclejerkSopranos
What’d I tell ya, hold in your wicked shit when negotiating with these desert people
I haven’t had a wicked shit in years