Hey dudes what flag is this below the Canadian flag?
If I belonged to a washer, where would I live?
Was I overcharged Samsung dryer repair $570 - rollers with shaft
Price of a 40" TV from 17 years ago
Tank command center module?
AITA for walking out of a restaurant on my GF?
Canadian Businesses Took Pandemic Benefits to the Bank and Left Workers Holding the Bag
TIFU when I encouraged my roommate's dad to follow me to his son's room
A church steeple blew off during a storm last night.
Have a bosch fridge, will need to buy compressor :(
Got mad at me for doing only 5 over. Mind you he was right on my ass too.
Dryer error code F01 (Whirlpool YWED8500SR1)
Samsung front load washer leak
Maytag Bravos MCT won’t spin and is making this sound whenever it’s supposed to. Agitator and drain working fine and I can move the drum around manually. Drive motor?
I've finally figured out why I don't like HoI as much as other Paradox games
They're massacred my boy
Popular anti-work subreddit goes private after awkward Fox News interview
Post Game Thread: Seattle Seahawks (6-10) vs Detroit Lions (2-13-1) [Week 17]
Where is otto?
DIY fix or throw away
Game Thread: Seattle Seahawks (2-3) @ Pittsburg Steelers (2-3) [Week 6]
Game Thread: Seattle Seahawks (2-2) vs Los Angeles Rams (3-1) [Week 5]
Game Thread: Seattle Seahawks (1-1) @ Minnesota Vikings (0-2) [Week 3]
Apes at market open