Ivan Tchaikovsky
Give me your best one
Choose two elements plus one object of you liking I will make you a personalized superpower
WYR Be trapped in the last game you played or Last show you were trapped in
What’s your name
What element best represents your OC?
What are your favourite Maps
What would the most practical combination of these two in everyday life be? Pick one from each.
Which of the 4 elements (Water, Fire, Earth and Wind) would actually be the most powerful to possess?
I must know
Basic introduction in conlang
Does anyone else take notes in their conlang?
Type a random video game title and make autocorrect make a sentence
Type "A monster cooked my" and let autocomplete finish
Type "monkey tore off my" and let autocomplete finish it.
Type “my last words will be__” and let autocomplete autocomplete it (image unrelated)
Type “What a long and hard” and make autofill do the rest
Type "Keep R, Keep R, R, R," and let auto complete finish the R's
Type “I pooped out a” and let autocomplete do it for you
Type “I have found ” and let autocomplete do the rest
Type “My favorite kind of person is” and let your keyboard do its magic
Type in "I have explosive ___" and let auto complete finish it
Wanna know my name?
Guys I need names…
Guess my name