My top 10 Animanga characters+WN and VN
Fata Vs Umineko Writing Tournament Part 3
Fata vs Umineko Tournament Part3
Where does my GOAT Scale in SCD? (Like what tier) (too lazy to make a poll)
Lotm Worldbuilding is Overrated and a tier below Shadow Slave (book 1/ part 1)
Kaneshiro said at a past fansigning “No matter what happens in the future, will you still love Isagi till the end?” What do you think Isagi might do in the future that could result in such a question?
If Volume 6 of RI is completed, would that make FY the best written character in all of fiction, as this fella said?
Fata vs Umineko Tournament Part 2
Who takes here?
Umineko vs Fata writing part2
Who's the better Game Anime Protag Kirito vs SJW
Gintama vs ORV take by me.Both probably my favourite works
My Categories Distribution on Battler Ushiromiya vs Ken Kaneki.
My take on Gintama vs ORV.Agree?
Who had better internal conflict?
Thought on this take?
Fata vs Umi Tournament Part 1
Who's the worse written protagonist?
Aizen is a highly misunderstood antagonist.
Live action Light and live action Baku. Which one outsmarts?
Is The Quintessential quintuplets worth it
Rank them based on conclusion
Its interesting to see how me, aizen and griffith are so similar to each other