A question for my fellow phaerons, what dynastic color schemes do you paint your necrons with?
Problems of having a playable miniature.
Plasma filled hose, or rubber cable over copper wire?
"Tremble at the whisper of my name for I wield the Shadow Fist." (Of course Andrew Tate talks like an anime villain).
White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt Hits Back at French Politician Wanting The Statue of Liberty Back: Be Grateful You Are ‘Not Speaking German’
“I don’t even understand 24-hour time… I just don’t understand it. I have to use online converters or I’d be SO confused when I talk to people who use these systems.”
Broker to Lean on
Would rather not play than DM.
Does he know?
Indeed Farseer Frieren, indeed.
'You know they say all men are created equal, but you look at me and you look at Horus Hersy, and you can see that statement is NOT TRUE!'
Wie jetzt - auf dem fürstlichen Schloss St. Emmeram zu Regensburg?
Lokhust Heavy Destroyers
remove the balls
great a genocide
How do you feel about a potential porn ban in the us?
Two of my three favorite series in one meme
Zu Geldstrafe verurteilt: Mann ließ sich verstümmeln, um Linksextremisten-Angriff mit Machete vorzutäuschen
The Craftworld Eldar took no part in the birth of Slaanesh so why do they get blamed all the time for it?
"He owns several kilts and wears them to local Technology conferences"
What did Frieren secretly whisper to Fern when she was sleeping?
Wir machens a!
Salzburg: Why have our European Brands a bad position in the shelves?