Advice for a business man’s ship?
To many people hate this game
Nazi Bar
Is this actually enforcable?
How to stop drinking beer craving?
All I’m saying
Is there somewhere in the area I can bring these?
Ending my quitting journal. Details in comments
Where’s Pessi’s goggladors?? 😂😂😂😂
7 day journal of quitting zyns
I want ak
New WR: 20 minutes. Beat it yanks
Can any one match my record of 35 minutes?
Can’t believe this happened 😔😔😔
Thanks for the support lol
I still can’t sleep bug
Glitch with sleeping
To those who voted for Trump…
When is the sub shutting down?
Trash left by MSG Trump rally goers in NYC
Neighbors are handing these out for Halloween...
When is Real Madrid going to do this? It’s been 2 hours
When does extra time start? It’s been 2 hours. When is Real Madrid comeback