Is this (Borosilicate) beaker safe to heat based on the internal stress?
Who up blooding they moon rn
Guys, what do I do when my younger brother doesn't want to take Spanish Duolingo classes??
Today marks 244 years since Uranus was discovered by William Herschel.
Did they seriously just >double the prices in musehub??
Beef Taco <3
How to tell if these beakers are real borosilicate?
What instruments/packs would you like to see added to musesounds?
Lost presto card
Some Chalcopyrite I got from a copper mine
To whoever left their forbidden DNA on the JHE first floor bathroom toilet
Transcription of The Rainbow Goblins Prologue done in Musescore 4.
Astronomy in -21°C, please end my suffering
Getting no details on Jupiter - whats wrong with my 150mm newtonian?
The magnificent horsehead nebula
Victory but no achievement?
Planetary Astronomy (ASTRON 2E03) Thoughts?
how much yall think i could get for this peice of shit
Failing HDD?
Don’t let the grades drag you down
My Second Attempt at M42 with the Running Man!
Knowing When to Stop Editing in Astrophotography
I can't be the only one who thinks of this when listening to Love ESP am I?