So I was wondering, what is our saint the patron of?
Sh*t Meghan says
Something I've noticed...
What is your favorite Clara Oswald episode?
Oh FFS lady..........
How long before Markles joins! Jennifer Garner Joins Cameo! For a limited time to raise money for California wildfire relief
THR being shady! Really chuckled hard looking at Markle's name.
Stressed and anxious from giving my cat the injections
Fip help pleaE
Vanilla cake, vanilla buttercream, filled and topped with strawberries and raspberries 🥰
Vanilla cake,vanilla buttercream, filled and topped with strawberries and raspberries 🥰
6 Month old kitten got their official diagnosis for FIP.
Pie time!!
The difference is startling
Meghan and weird outfits, as ever
I mean, why?
She’s never beating the alleged copycat claims
Shower thoughts about Markle's weird remarks about sharing the surname Sussex with her kids. Could this be an unconscious admission she used surrogates?
Sussex rebrand is about SEO, moving away from past bad press, and keeping title even post divorce
International Day of Women…aka look at me and we do have a daughter