Whotf Chops Pepperonis
Who's an actor who nailed a role so hard that nobody else will ever be able to live up to it?
Do protein shakes break your fast completely
Know a bit of measure theory now what? [D]
Self Learning Math
What’s your success story?
Is Deus Ex Mankind Divided Worth Playing?
Are there any books/papers that would belong on a math “anti-reading list?
[D] Are there any theoretical machine learning papers that have significantly helped practitioners?
Carnivore 18 months - never poop - thinking about switching to keto!
Please recommend an alternative to Rudin in my level / also a Q about Cummings' book
What's still worth doing after all these AI advances? (positive / serious / non-doomer vibes)
What do you think about Shikantaza?
How long should I give valium suppositories to work?
Medical checkup - doctor whined about my LDL-cholesterol, and said I should eat less fat
Why don't we give Adderall to everyone?
[Q][E] Should I major in stats in college?
Can you eat as many net 0 carb food as you want on keto?
Keto effect on mental health.
Is this a fair moderation response?
What do you make of this interaction I had with a mod? (doesn't name subreddit or mod)
Daily Simple Questions Thread - January 31, 2025
How good is deus ex human revolution as an immersion sim?
Confession: I can't stand Dark Souls
Are flashcards a good way to learn?