Any responsible mods to help?
r/AIArtwork is looking for mods
Mods Wanted
Moosehead Lager is selling a crate of 1461 cans of beer
Milage comparison in Michigan between NG+ (no truck store) and Hard mode (recovery not used)
XQ-58A Deploys The Altius-600
Press F To Pay Respects.
What truck do you think represents snowrunner best or makes you think "snowrunner"?
It would be so cool if they expanded on this second "hitch" so we could chain together some custom trailers
Unexpected LOTR
Sisyphus would theoretically erode the tip of the mountain until it is flat enough to place the boulder on.
4 years of pig tier! I think it's finally time I cancel this subscription and let my bank account rest. Still, much like Technoblade himself, my respect for him never dies!
Snowrunner IRL
Things that make me go „why isn‘t this in the game yet?“
Azov in the game: slow as sh*t, KAMAZ IRL: hold my beer
If only we could put logs in a pickup bed
Delete if not allowed
Would love another vehicle with dualies at the front
Pegasus, Belarusian snow/swamp off-road vehicle produced by "140th repair plant" factory
As close to a real life snowrunner scout
This off-road van/SUV from Belgorod Oblast, Russia costs 1.65 million rubles (US$16,966.11). I think it's already sold because there's no link to the seller's site for some reason. More info is in the comments
11 years…
If you could erase one region from your memory, so that you could experience it all over again like it was new.. Which one would you choose?
Earthromer spotted
Big frikin truck
Where do i get these values?