Ginyu War
Who is missing?
Which body do you think is the easiest to steal?
One thing I find funny is the fact that the creator is an evil version of Reed Richards, but he never faced the Fantastic Four.
What if
Finding out what you're going to carry is a big shock
Another Fred Body Swap With A Fixed Voice Meme
Brawlhalla has Ben 10 Multiversus no
What is your opinion on the beauty and the ugly body swap? Do you like it more if it happens consensually or do you prefer it more to be non-consensual?
Sidney Swiney is a Bad cast for Power Girl btw
I need suggestions
Should Marvel Revive The '90's Animated Show Like X-Men '97?
What’s your favourite type of possession?
I want do more examples of fanon vs Canon please
I don't understand body swap art that portrays characters with complete opposite personalities than they actually have? Why are you all drawing Astolfo as a horny maniac sex is literally the one thing that bores them??
Speaking of powergirl, anyone remember that whole Andrew Dobson thing?
What are your opinions on our sister fetish(es), head swap?
Here's your SpongeBob remake
That racist friend after switching bodies with a black chick
You wake up as Black Cat, what's the first thing you're doing?
My ranking of April O'neil versions
Who else would you have casted for Deadpool?
Me looking at my schoolmate's face after we switched bodies with a magic amulet I stole from an antique shop (she's mad because I'm wearing provocative clothes)
Which character/episode do you consider the most tragic and saddest in TMNT?